UPR: Sierra Leone, 24th Session, 2015

UPR: Sierra Leone, 24th Session, 2015

United Nations Human Rights Council Universal Periodic Review: Sierra Leone Executive Summary Drawing on ICAAD’s research, this submission highlights issues of structural discrimination that impact women and minorities in Sierra Leone. The research examines Sierra...
UPR: Solomon Islands, 24th Session, 2015

UPR: Solomon Islands, 24th Session, 2015

United Nations Human Rights Council Universal Periodic Review: Solomon Islands Executive Summary  Drawing on ICAAD’s research, this submission highlights issues of structural discrimination that impact women and minorities in the Solomon Islands. The research examines...
UPR: Nauru, 23rd Session, 2015

UPR: Nauru, 23rd Session, 2015

Since its last UPR Review, Nauru has taken some concrete steps to combat gender inequality and violence against women. Issues remain in terms of amending legislation to include a specific domestic violence law; better data collection; and ensuring that gender...
UPR: Micronesia, 23rd Session, 2015

UPR: Micronesia, 23rd Session, 2015

The FSM delegation indicated to the United Nations Human Rights Council Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review that FSM was a “very peaceful society and that violence against women and children were rare and isolated”.  Since the first UPR review, not enough...

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