ICAAD in partnership with The Fiji Women’s Rights Movement (FWRM) organised the first ever train the trainers workshop to raise awareness on combating sexual harassment in the workplace. The training targeted key stakeholders and agencies to strengthen...
ICAAD has teamed up with Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP and Fiji Women’s Rights Movement (FWRM) to conduct a train the trainers program to combat sexual harassment in the workplace for major public and private sector groups across Fiji. The program is...
A Dalit women-led network of paralegals trained and supported by our partner Nazdeek is expanding their data collection efforts and tracking access to basic services for two additional low-income communities in New Delhi. ICAAD’s role was to develop a new...
The UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) recently released an 8 page list of questions for Fiji, following the submission of a Parallel Report drafted by ICAAD on behalf of a coalition of local NGOs. While the Parallel Report...
“Hurricanes Harvey and Irma and Maria and the massive floods in South Asia are just the most recent demonstration of the urgency of tackling climate change,” said U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres at the Leaders’ Dialogue on Climate Change during the...
The ICAAD intern program expands its reach to Australia and New Zealand, where ICAAD Interns Erin Thomas and Suvradip Maitra have been working on two important initiatives. Erin Thomas is a student at American University in Washington DC, focusing on Global and...