Your investment will ensure development doesn’t come at the cost of human rights

We’re helping organizations invest in development initiatives that advance human rights.

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It’s hard for businesses and nonprofits alike to know the sustainability initiatives that governments are really committed to. TrackSDGs has pioneered a machine learning tool that quantifies the human rights risks and opportunities for investing in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Our dashboard shows the risks and opportunities for investing in each SDG according to each country’s position on key human rights issues, including the right to equality and the freedom to participate in civic space and democracy. With this tool, organizations across sectors can better allocate resources towards sustainable development objectives that will have lasting impact.

Chewy Lin. Runit Dome, Enewetak, Marshall Islands

Why qualitative human rights insights
are needed to measure SDG progress

Read about the multidisciplinary
team that started TrackSDGs

Tax-Exempt Nonprofit

ICAAD is recognized in the United States as tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Your charitable donation is tax-deductible in the United States.

United Nations Affiliation

ICAAD has special consultative status with the United Nations Economic & Social Council.

Global Giving Top-Ranked Org

ICAAD has been a top ranked
organization on Global Giving since 2017

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